Privacy Policy delle e-mail
Ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 sulla protezione dei dati personali Vi informiamo che Nortan s.r.l. è titolare di informazioni che Vi riguardano, rilevate per esigenze fiscali/amministrative oppure per l’espletamento di normali attività commerciali. Queste informazioni, trattate a mezzo di strumenti informatici e/o supporti cartacei, sono impiegate esclusivamente dalla scrivente nel pieno rispetto della suddetta normativa. Relativamente ai dati medesimi, potete esercitare i diritti previsti al CAPO III del GDPR. Salvo i trattamenti effettuati in obbligo di legge, potete richiederci in qualsiasi momento la sospensione immediata del trattamento dei dati personali che Vi riguardano. Se pensate di non essere destinatari di questo documento, o se avete ricevuto questo documento per errore, siete pregati di darne immediata comunicazione al mittente e di provvedere alla sua distruzione.
E-Mail Privacy Policy
Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 containing provisions on the protection of personal data, we inform you that Nortan s.r.l. is the data controller of your personal data that has been collected for administrative/taxation questions or the execution of normal commercial activities. This information, which is processed in electronic and/or paper form, is used exclusively by the undersigned company in complete respect of the Regulation above. In regard to such data, you are entitled to exercise the rights specified in Section III of General Data Protection Regulation, “GDPR”. Barring data processing conducted in compliance with legal requirements, you can request from us the immediate suspension of the processing of your personal data. If you have reason to believe you are not the intended receiver of this document or if you have received it by error, you are requested to kindly immediately inform the sender and proceed to its destruction.
Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 containing provisions on the protection of personal data, we inform you that Nortan s.r.l. is the data controller of your personal data that has been collected for administrative/taxation questions or the execution of normal commercial activities. This information, which is processed in electronic and/or paper form, is used exclusively by the undersigned company in complete respect of the Regulation above. In regard to such data, you are entitled to exercise the rights specified in Section III of General Data Protection Regulation, “GDPR”. Barring data processing conducted in compliance with legal requirements, you can request from us the immediate suspension of the processing of your personal data. If you have reason to believe you are not the intended receiver of this document or if you have received it by error, you are requested to kindly immediately inform the sender and proceed to its destruction.